Happy Quarantine Sunday! In these times of uncertainty one thing that remains clear is that God can and he will! Just to be clear this simply means that I am leaning and depending on God to lead, guide, protect and elevate me during this time. Although many of our Sunday services are online, I believe it is still only right to slay. Just like any other Sunday.

I have been eyeing this company for quite some time. I will be honest I have to be careful because I on the thicker side of plus. My areas of concerns are my arms, which I am more than likely to get them customized to fit correctly. I also have a smaller waist and thicker hip proportion. Therefore I need to fit exactly how I feel about about those measurements: BAM! POW! BOOM! Yes girl I LOVE IT!

Shein Plus Dress

Although I ordered a few pieces from Shein that I will do a try on with, this particular dress gives me Oh Praise The Lord In This Place vibes. I ordered a 4x (20) in this dress. It fit me perfectly. I love the a good wrap dress which this dress came with a belt. I use the belt to to also accent my waist so that it is not just a blah feel. The choice of glitter for the material paired with the deep gold color is a head turner. Lastly there is a under slip, this avoids the need for additional undergarments.

Just from this dress, I will definitely start shopping more with Shein. During this quarantine Sunday you may decide to attend online church, connect with your Pastors, listen to a podcast or meditate. However you decided to spend it, I can tell you for sure that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you can ask or think? I pray that you are practicing social distancing, staying healthy and using this Sunday Style Guide to help you slay every Sunday. Tell me what are you wearing during Quarantine Sunday church?

GET THE LOOK HERE: Dress Purse (SimilarShoes (Similar)

Shein Plus Dress
Shein Plus Dress
Shein Plus Dress

