Saying Hello Purpose can be extremely hard for those that are not completely sure where to begin. In all actuality that is the beauty of purpose! Walking in your purpose is like a plane ride – One minute you are flying high on the right track to your destination. The next minute you have to land for maintenance. And its during those times of maintenance when you figure out what is the new plan of action, how can I improve what I am currently doing and when is it time for me to take off! When you finally say yes to your purpose it can be a completely scary and nerve wrecking thing – I mean I can really attest to it! Let me just give you the background story – Real quick honey!
So, the year was 1982….Im just kidding we can fast forward a couple of decades –LOL! Ive been a makeup artist for just about 13 years, from that I won a pageant call Miss Big and Beautiful 2007. Little known to me this was actually the beginning of my purpose developing. I went from going to various local modeling engagements. From there I launched my non-profit organization called More Than Enough, Inc. I had a great 10 year run with it, the problem came when I didn’t want to let go and God was like GIRRRLLL I SAID WHAT I SAID! (BIG TEARS)! Because I did not do what God instructed me to do, I paid for it big time! I got a building with a rent payment and could not afford it and lost in less than 6 months. Chile I was more embraced than anything- We had an entire grand opening and not a single profit! I still tried to hang on to “my baby” but doing a 10 year reunion and not a soul came to the casting call. I was banking on how awesome my fashion shows were! We would sell out of tickets in less than a month! Can we just travel down memory lane!
Introducing Miss Big and Beautiful 2007
One of my very first OFFICIAL shoots! Baby I still think this is a classic picture back in 2011!
I still stand by the most epic fashion show ever!

MTE, Inc. was my training ground! It was literally a whole blast! I mean we took scenes from movies and recreated them. More importantly I was able to see a snippet of my purpose develop through others! I was honestly hurt when it was time to go to the next level but I heard him say there is something NEXT LEVEL I want to do for you! Ok now I’M SCARED! Who me? Next level! Lawd I don’t know if Im qualified.
Sometimes we blame others for the failure of our journey’s when its really God trying to tell us gone on now. Its not that I lost my qualification, it was time for me to grow out of the box! So to ease the pain of letting MTE, Inc. go as well as the lost of my son Nature, I got on Facebook Live as a time to get my mind off being hurt and upset to show people how I like to do my makeup. From that pain, purpose was developed! Makeup & Ministry was formed and we are a community of people known as the #PurposeSquad. I developed more character, perseverance, loyalty to vision. Even though I have many things that I battle with, I struggle with and that I am working on – Some may know my past, may know some of my battles but Im still qualified for the journey. Throughout the last 3 years I have battled depression, thoughts of suicide, Ive quit numerous times but one thing about purpose, it won’t let you quit because there is a passion and love behind it.
Who would have know, this fly chick that love to create fashion shows, create stylish makeovers and speak life into others would have such an amazing journey. Ive take the good with the bad and allow my purpose to developed. I mean Ive even launched my blog just 2 days shy today 6 months ago. When you are a purpose pusher, you continue to evolve and develop! Here are three tips on you can walk in your purpose!
- Believe in yourself! It does not matter who believe you or who don’t agree! Work your vision and don’t stop until death do you part!
- Fear is the devil! I ain’t neva scared! Ok yes I was and do have moments where I am so scared that it may not work but one thing I have learned from walking in my purpose is that I can not be afraid to go. I never wanted to be that girl that woke up years later and said “Oh I wish I could have”
- Say Hello to YOUR purpose! Being inspired is definitely a way to keep yourself motivated. But be original and stay true to what you have been called to be and do! I know little Suzie purpose looks lavish but baby it aint yours! When you walk in your purpose you are able to grow and flourish! The sky is the limit!
I have learned that purpose is a lifetime of development! I am consistently evolving into a better version of me! I love makeup, fashion, beauty but I am everything purpose! So if you follow me on social media you know that I did a pole requesting if you guys would like to see a space where we talk about how to get to purpose! So you responded and its time to help you all reach purpose! So as a salute to continuing this journey to purpose I want to introduce you all to my new baby! Chile, Im a talk show host now! YAAAAAAAASSSSSS!!! I am excited to present to you Chattin’ Purpose with ShawanaV! Hope that you all tune in to our first episode where our topic will be “Collaboration vs Competition!
Purpose is not easy….But its worth it! Hello Purpose! So go ahead and start that clothing line, open that business, go back to the drawing board and try it again, finish that degree! Do the impossible which in all actuality its possible! Luke 1:37: For with God nothing shall be impossible! #HelloPurpose
Congrats ! I’m proud of you keep pushing forward it looks good on you sis in Christ
Thank you so much!