Hey #PurposeSquad! I pray you all are safe and healthy! Did you enjoy Makeup and Ministry on Monday night! Although I am still working out all the details of the return of Makeup & Ministry, I am super excited to see you all! Now, lets get into this look! How you can get a BANG for your BUCKS!
As promise I wanted to give you guys a quick review of my look that I posted on my social media. A tribute to honor Kierra and her amazing journey and this blazing album. I absolutely loved this look! Recreating my version of it was definitely a must! Pretty Dope Right! Clearly I do not wear my hair like this often, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on this look. I wanted to have a banging look for the right amount of money.

You guys wanted to know about this hair – RIGHT! Would you believe that this is a wig! Thats not even the best part! I purchased this wig for only about $32 (Close your jaw)! Your girl know how to find a deal! I purchase this wig from my local beauty supply store! However I found a few sites that had the same exact wig that you guys can purchase. Of course you can definitely take other wig options, jazz it up and make it your own! It is endless possibilities to wearing this look!

I went on a search to find where you can get this wig just in case your local hair store does not have it! Now I must warn you – How I styled it and what is on this picture is NOT the same! No worries at all!

I do not own the rights to the picture on the right -Used as an example only
Here is a quick tutorial of how to style this wig! Click the link and tell me what you think! Be sure to tag me in your looks because I would love to share them on my social media pages! Until next time pooh’s! #HelloPurpose!
Find this wig here: Availability and colors may vary
Click here to watch the YouTube Video – And don’t forget to subscribe!