Happy New Year #PurposeSquad! As you may know I had quite a few of interesting test and trials at the beginning of 2021. I believe that setbacks provide the biggest comebacks if you allow. It is all in what you train your mindset to be. Today is my three year blogaversry for ShawanaV.com and I am actually starting over. Honestly it was not my choice but above all, I believe it was divine purpose.

The beginning of January my Instagram page was hacked. My first thoughts were -Ah heck naw!! I worked hard to build and grow. A domino effect of events began to occur. From relocation to purchasing our first home became harder. The trials and test came hard and fast. Full transparency almost unbearable. I didn’t want to create content or talk to anyone. Ok let me be honest – a few folks could get these hands. I was angry to say the least.
Being strong is what I am. As an educated black woman it is apart of what helps to create me. And sis was tired. But I decided to pause, breathe and ask myself a very important question. What is this teaching me?

For the first time I had to understand my why? At the beginning of year I said this is the year of affirming. This is not the time to be complacent and settle. I honestly did not feel like I settled but after careful review I settled in some areas of life. For the first time my response to adversity was to remain quiet and fight.

Every once in a while we get a little caught up in the hype of growth. Most importantly the best part of growth is continuing to water your why. I am excited to celebrate three years as a blogger and content creator. No matter what you are currently dealing with remember you can bounce back from it. Your purpose is never ending. You have the power to bounce back from any situation.
In conclusion, my blogaversry lessons are very simple:
- Don’t give up in the middle of the storm –
- Instead of focusing on why its happening to you, find out what it is teaching you.
- If you gone show up then show up with a purpose!
- Your journey of success look different -An that is ok!
Here is to another year of learning. Of course looking and feeling absolutely beautiful! Pooh get up and get dressed, hold your chin up and walk in your purpose!

Outfit (pants/jacket) Bodysuit