Purpose is something that is impossible to walk away from. What we are called to do including our dreams sometimes seems impossible. However, as I know from more than one occasion in my own life – Sis its not going to leave you alone. It is very possible to make the vision happen! A little over a week ago I did something that I dreamed of for over 20 years. Yup- something that I sat on for 20 years! So many things prevented me for going forth – to begin with fear, life, kids, money, me! Girl…..I know…. I can smile about it now – Lesson learned! now its time to share with you poohs!

On December 12th, I graduated from the Facial Specialty Program to began the road to becoming a Licensed Esthetician. I love make up and doing a good slay – But slays are no good without good skin care! (Ps: I have some amazing products and tips Ill be sharing with you coming up this new year! From makeup tutorials, skin care tips, fashion reveals and get ready with me on my YouTube channel! Get a head start and subscribe here! – wink wink – Quick plug)

Becoming an Esthetician is something that I envisioned for many years. It really meant more to me than obtaining my Bachelors Degree in Human Service and my Masters Business Administration. Don’t get me wrong! I cried like a baby with boffum (both of them lol). I definitely have a very passionate and complete love for the social service field. But this degree was more than just becoming a License Esthetician, it is the beginning of taking my passion and purpose to the next level. Many times we allow fear to keep us from being able to prosper and grow.

Here are 3 things I did to help me Kick Fear Behind:
- Be conscious of your fears and identify them: We call everything by name but what we fear. We will even deny it! (Chiiiillleee I aint never scared – inserts rolling eyes) What are you scared of and why? Then break it down so when the feeling comes you can identify it. And please note it is ok for you to get a therapist. Remember prayer without works is dead!
- Train your mind to feed fear: Many times we want to do something exceptional and life changing- start a business, take a trip, get another job, start over but we literally talk ourselves out of it because of doubt. This is why I believe that you have to feed fear with the opposite of what your mind thinks. For example for myself: I’m too old and can’t complete school. My response was oh well get a Red Bull you are going to finish – Get your tail up! Yup I talk to me like that! How can you have a relationship with others and you don’t have an intimate relationship with yourself.
- Speak affirmations over your vision and purpose: Affirmations are positive words or sentences that focuses to affect both your conscious and the subconscious mind. This will then affect our behavior, thinking patterns, habits and environment. You are what you speak! Having a hard time – Get you one of these!
We are at the end of this decade and every year we always talk about how we are going to start a new season, new me, new life! But if you take the same thoughts, fears and behaviors into the new decade you will get the same result! I have cried so many tears this year – But I am truly thankful for every failed situation, every delay and every fear because it gave me the strength to walk into my purpose! Here is to facing fears and saying Hello Purpose!