Taking a chance on me is probably in my top 5 amazing honors of my life. I realize that my purpose is more important and needed in life. Finally I bossed all the way up. Today I want to give you three ways to boss up in your life!

You ever have a dream so big that it literally scare you. You probably looked at your bank account, your current situation and maybe even the fact that there are thousands of other people doing the same thing. I can relate. From becoming a full time entrepreneur to being a plus size blogger, all of these things ran passed my mind. However this is also the things that I use to talk myself out of not missing my blessing!

I honestly for a moment forgot who the heck I was! Im a survivor of many things. To get myself going I ultimately just had to say I am THEE ShawanaV! Pooh, just like I just realized who I am, you have to do the same. You have the power to boss up which requires two actions. Speak it and do it!

Although those seem like two easy takes, here are three ways that can help you do it and boss up:

  • Do It Scared: My music playlist goes from “Here’s my worship” to “I ain’t neva scared”! And sometimes I play both of them to get my mind right. The more time you spend contemplating reasons as to why you shouldn’t or why you are not qualified, the more time is delayed! Fear can cause delay or fuel purpose.
  • Mind The Business That Pays You: If it doesn’t pay me, I don’t mind it. A lot of people believe that this only applies to a physical check and it does not. This includes anything that prevents you from bossing up.
  • Trust God promises to you: One thing I continue to learn is to let God do what he does best. He is good at working it out and in my favor. We have to learn how to trust him. Sometimes understanding how and why gets in the way of our complete purpose. Trust is a hard thing to do when things failed in life over and over. However we must realize what we are putting our trust in that makes us believe things are failing.

What could happen if you just fuel your fears with passion, prayer and purpose. Where could you be in the next week, six months even a year. This time last year I was worked a job that I could not stand. As a result I was financially and mentally not happy. Everyday I would take a chance on someone else, but fear caused me to delay my next level of purpose. Sis, if not now then when?

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