That whole no new friends is clearly out the door for me for 2020! I’m excited to explore new adventures, learn more cultures and have more girls night out! However being cute and comfy is one definitely top of my list. It seems as if we have this conception that unless we wear a pair of 5 inch heels we not slaying! Well sugar – As a woman on the go and aging knees I love my heels but sometimes I just don’t feel like it!
Recently I posted on my Instagram a t-shirt from an amazing new brand that screams everything I am! Cute, Jazzy and Curvy! Along with that shirt I purchased this amazing dress that actually represents my school colors from Sodus, New York (Let’s Go Spartans)!

The mustard and plum block dress is like a two for one deal! The top part is a self-tie knot and the bottom is a skirt but its all connected (AH-HA!!!). The material is amazing -very good stretch and true to size. I love how I didn’t have to put on all of my garments and suck it in all day and night to look GREAT!And let me just say that these hips and thighs were curvy enough to say HOW YOU DOING?

Now most of us feel like we have to put on heels – Ok let me be honest! I love to put me on a good pair of heels! I really feel like I strut a little different when I do. But sometimes I want to just be relaxed and comfortable! So I chose to dress down this color-block dress with by going for a more edgy look!
I paired this outfit with a leather jacket and combat boots! The dress is feminine enough to allow me to look jazzy and the leather gave me that fun edgy look. Teased my tresses and added some black and gold accessories! Im confirmable, cute and jazzy!

So as we journey into this new decade I encourage you to try new looks! Its ok to be comfy and cute at the same time. While you are looking for new looks be sure to check check out Kin by Kristine! Check out my outfit details below! What you guys think about this look? Leave a comment?
Thanks for share this article it’s very helpful to me.
King regards,
Abildgaard Henneberg